May 31, 2023
3 min read
To The Opportunity Network Community:
We are writing to follow up on AiLun’s announcement of her departure from OppNet this fall and to share with you, our deeply valued community, our plans for the transition and the search for our new CEO.
While CEO leadership transitions are meaningful, we are gratified to be moving through one at a time of robust organizational health, financial stability, and strong momentum propelling us forward. We do so with energy and excitement for finding a new CEO whose experiences, capabilities, and core values align with OppNet’s mission, culture, and vision for its next chapter of impact.
AiLun Ku joined OppNet in 2011 and it is not an overstatement to say her impact at OppNet has been transformative. Under her leadership from 2011 to 2019, she helped transform OppNet from a start-up with promise to a field-leading, national organization with a best-in-class reputation for student-centered impact, innovative curriculum, systems for sustainable growth, and the best talent in the field.
AiLun was named President and CEO in 2019. During her four years, she brought in record-breaking funds year over year, increased students served by the thousands, enhanced existing offerings, launched new programs, expanded our Board, and remained true to the hallmark of her leadership―a deeply cherished connection to OppNet students and alumni she has mentored, coached, and supported.
AiLun did all of this after taking the reins right before a global pandemic―an existential threat to many non-profits and a game-changer for all―followed quickly by the murder of George Floyd and the national racial uprising, which had a profound impact over weeks and months on our organization, staff, students, and community at large. Under her leadership, OppNet weathered the impact of these two most seismic events in its 20-year history, and, for that, she deserves our public recognition and gratitude. We wish her well in her future endeavors and look forward to her remaining an avid member of the OppNet community.
Now for what comes next: With this announcement, we publicly launch a rigorous search process in partnership with On-Ramps, a leading search firm for organizations in the social sector, to find OppNet’s next exceptional leader. The process will be led by a search committee overseen by Raquel Vargas Palmer, OppNet’s Board Chair, and Jessica Pliska, OppNet’s Founder, Strategic Advancement Officer, and Board Member, and comprised of additional Board members and OppNet senior leaders:
Sean Cohan, OppNet Board Treasurer
Danielle Green, OppNet COO
Sarah Joseph-Donnelly, OppNet Chief Innovation Officer
Ray Reyes, OppNet Chief Program Officer
Aisha Thomas-Petit, OppNet Board Member
OppNet’s Managing Director of Talent and People Operations Mikelle Willis, Co-Founder Brian Weinstein, and Board Chair Emeritus Dan O’Keefe, will also advise.
Please help us by sharing this job description and referring candidates to [email protected]. We are so grateful for this community’s support, and we’re looking ahead with great promise to the future.
The Executive Committee of the Board of Directors, The Opportunity Network